SoCal SkyQuest Awards
Score and win!

Performance Awards
Individual(s) with the most points
- Total amount of points across the season (seven events). We drop the lowest score.
Best Team Score
- In a single competition per category (beginner, intermediate, advanced, freefly – any MFS/VFS)
- One team per division, the highest score in any event
Least Video Busts per Point
- For the video people, least amount of video busts per point scored across the season
Participation Awards
Gold Star Attendance
- If you attend 6 out of 7 events, you’ll get a gold star!
First US Nationals Attendance
- Did someone say “first”? BEER!
Nationals Recognition
- Acknowledge everyone who competes at US Nationals
Participant Voting
Best funnel
- No matter how hard you tried to muscle it, the funnel still won. But it makes for great entertainment!
Funniest brain lock
- Was the next point supposed to be a D or a B? What position am I flying again? Did I leave the stove on?
Best Geek
- Whether it’s showcasing your best Blue Steele, a game of rock/paper/scissors, or picking your nose with your tongue. Show that camera some love!
Funniest team name
- There have been some funny/punny ones over the years. Can you top them?
Best ground photo
- Take it wherever you want, in whatever post you want. Just keep it safe, please?
Rookie of the year
- Is this your first year competing in skydiving comps? This category is for you. It’s rookie against rookie, with all of the mentors betting on their favored horse.
Mentor of the year
- This category is for rookies to vote. Did someone help you excel in your skills above everyone else? Throw their name in the hat!
Committee/Judge Awards
We almost had it award
- Did your team spend 30 seconds trying to build that one point?