Tunnel League
Fast and Furious Tunnel Competition

Interested in a fun and fast competition?
Tunnel League is a glorious tunnel mini-meet with a unique dive pool and interesting format. You will fly with five other people to determine who wins the day.
You don’t need to be a rockstar to play! You just need to be able to safely enter and exit the tunnel, match someone else’s fall rate, and take a sidebody grip. We divide things up into divisions, so you’ll usually be playing with similarly skilled flyers.
Tunnel League is a round robin 2-way competition. You enter as an individual and there is an individual ranking at the end. You will fly 5 total rounds (1 minute per round) and be in the antechamber for a total 20 minutes. There are often several divisions in a night with graded up to four levels of difficulty (beginner, intermediate, advanced, and crazy psycho).
Specifically, there are six people in a division. You will fly a total of ten rounds (one with each other person), each partner keeping the score from their own 2-way. The rotation order and dives are provided before the competition, it is best to show up at least 45 minutes ahead of time to get good walkthroughs.
Judging is done live and results are available a few minutes after you get out. Prizes include an intangible feeling of superiority, gloating rights until the next competition, and of course all the fame.