Meeker Monday
Event Details
Purchase one or more 10 minute slots for the evening. Sharing is encouraged, so you can double or triple your time. Christy is on hand to help you design dives and fly with groups across multiple hours. This experience is perfect for experienced FS people looking to practice with others, skydivers looking to practice individual skills, and AFF students looking to ace their next level. Meet one hour before your flight time.
Buy time in 10 minute blocks (you can buy multiple blocks) (max 3 per hour). We encourage you to share your time with others to double your flying time!
Meeker Monday is NOT booked through this page, but if you get a ticket we will email you with availability and sign up details!
Further details about this event can be found here.
iFLY Ontario
September 30, 2019
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm