Team Coaching
Coaching to Rock Your Skydives

Whether you are just starting out and looking for a team or have a full group ready to learn, coaching will help you rock skydives!
Training on a team is enjoyable and rewarding. Having a coach with you to make a plan, teach you to prepare correctly, keep you focused through your training day, and lead debriefs allows you focus on improving. Precise expert technical information keeps you from throwing money and time away while you stumble blindly through thousands of easily correctable mistakes.
Competition 4-way or 8-way
I love helping teams and groups learn all they can about competition skydiving!
Non-Competition / Varied Group Sizes
For those not interested specifically in competition, I can design fun and helpful dives for groups of any size.
Tunnel Coaching
Tunnels make teams better. Quickly and efficiently. The tunnel is a cost effective way to learn to fly together and perfect block technique.
Standard Coaching (Ground)
Standard coaching, or ground coaching, refers to the coach creating a plan, instructing you on the skydive as you walk, creep, and mock-up, and debrief your video.
Player Coaching (Jumping)
If you are one teammate short of a 4-way or 8-way, you can jump with the coach.
Remote Coaching
Can’t make it out to a big dropzone to train? Upload your jumps to your favorite service and receive feedback from afar.