Great point slot drills
Monday, January 24, 2022

What the point slot lacks in exciting random work is more than made up for by the fantastic, glory-filled block moves. So here are a few drills and concepts you can improve on to an excellent point.
Outfacing, so much outfacing
The most obvious skill is outfacing. Since the point is turned away for many formations, learning to fly confidently from a reference behind you is a no brainer. Present cats, bipoles, and phalanxes. Work on multiple outfacing formations in a row – bipole to phalanx, for example.
The point gets a lot of cool block moves that involve turning. So while rotation is great for everyone, it is extremely handy for the point. Get fast and accurate with those 360s and 540s!

If you are doing verticals (burbles), the point is usually going over the top. Learning to deal with the burble will help with those moves. Start with learning to slide over someone quickly to get used to the sensation. When you are ready, practice hopping over someone from one formation to another.
Backwards carving
A couple of blocks – 11 and 1- require a backward carve within the move. Work carving backward, like in a tight no-contact compressed.
Super positioning
Block 2 and 4 send the point off solo to rotate and carve around the formation. Learning to do translation along with rotation is called superpositioning and a great skill to master. Work combination 2-ways that have you rotating and sliding different amounts from point to point.
Want to rock point? Get some tunnel and work these skills.
Tags: 2way, 4way, 8way, bodyflight