Six Ways to fix your broken 4-way or 8-way block
Sunday, August 28, 2022

Your team has a problem block. You try and try to fix it, but it circles the drain and is driving you nuts. Frustration is high, and nobody knows how to make it work. Here is how to deal with a troublesome move without losing your mind.
Talk about technique
First, spend the time to talk about what technique you are doing. Accomplish this by drawing specific pictures, using the creepers, and communicating what you are trying to do. Make sure there isn’t a mismatch between teammates.
Study video
Do the homework and find a video of the desired technique. Ideally, this video is an example within the scoring range of your team. (You can use Rhythm’s full-speed video, but it won’t be as easy to break down and replicate.) Then, slow-motion and pause your way through int to contrast and compare what you are doing differently.
Creep the pictures
Creeping isn’t the most fun thing, but spend time on the ground stepping through each picture and phase the block. It will help define your technique and reinforce the plan.
Practice no contact
I LOVE no contact drills. They illuminate technique problems like magic. Problems are apparent when you are getting space between your piece partner or the block isn’t catching with this drill. You will learn what to fix quickly.
Seek an expert, or another expert
Of course, if you have a coach, they are already helping you break down the block. But if that isn’t working, it doesn’t hurt to ask a different coach or expert. Other coaches phrase or focus on various aspects, and they might have the key to making it better. I love when my team does the homework and finds something that works – I unabashedly steal whatever phrases, nuances, or keywords I can from other coaches to help my teams.
Try a different technique altogether
Still not working? There is often more than one way to make a block work. Switch it up with a different approach. Maybe it is a little longer, but change up the slots. Mirror it. Change who goes over. Invent something. I’ve modified all of these for specific teams, and it creates a signature move for them.
When you are stuck on a block, take the time to define what the team is trying to do. Use all the tools at your disposal to break it down carefully – creepers, video, drills, and coaches. Then, learn and adapt the block to your team until you find something that works!
8-way Basics: Block Inter Pictures