Featured: How to Get Good on a Budget
Love 4-way but still waiting for that trust fund to kick in? Skydiving is expensive, and 4-way can be even […]
Love 4-way but still waiting for that trust fund to kick in? Skydiving is expensive, and 4-way can be even […]
Ever seen teams train their butts off all season, only to hit Nationals and completely fall apart? They’re not just […]
Anybody can hit a draw button, but is that the best way to set a training plan? Here is how […]
Alright, skydiving superstars, let’s talk MONEY and team training. Budgeting sets your team up for success. Knowing your financial limits […]
Goals? Yeah, we all got ’em. Wanna win Nationals? Score a 15-point average? Crush that next competition? Awesome. But setting […]
Experienced skydivers tell new small skydivers that they shouldn’t wear weights and instead “learn to fly their body.” The notion […]
by Chris Webb from SDC Rhythm XP Why we use them We use alternate engineering when it makes a quicker/short […]
Headswitch later! Headswitch sooner! Why so much advice about when to flip your head and look the other way? It […]
If you are team training, you will want to increase your efficiency in skydiving to get back to the packing […]
Feeling like your skydiving skills don’t measure up? Everyone has moments where they feel in the pits about their skydiving […]
I got access to Dall-E-2, an AI art generator that generates images based on text captions. I have been enjoying […]
Your team has a problem block. You try and try to fix it, but it circles the drain and is […]
It isn’t a big secret that I hate training with rigs in the tunnel. I hate it. But I will […]
I encourage every headed to US nationals to read the skydiver’s competition manual! It is generally full of precise rules […]
Everyone wants better landings! Even if you prefer to focus on a freefall activity, you have to land every time. […]
We tell you to wait for the key all the time, but when you watch a video from a team […]
Anticipation is thinking about what is coming next on a skydive. Knowing the next point before the current formation gets […]
Want to go faster? Speed up the keys! But it might not be as simple as trying to just releasing […]
The zone, sometimes called flow, is a mental state that leads to peak performance. It comes up in competition skydiving, […]
Teammate driving you nuts? Ready to break up the team? Stop! Before you do, try this. Tensions are normal First, […]
If you are at an event, training camp, or competition, the days might get long. To do your best, you […]
So you are going to jump at a new dropzone? Sweet! A new DZ is an excellent step into experiencing […]
Oh no! You messed up a jump. Skydiving is an intense sport. You only have a few seconds to get […]
I get many curious questions about what it is like to be on a professional skydiving team. Here are the […]
A variety of 360 videos from the 2022 P3 Big Way Camp at Perris. If you would like […]
We have all had a jump that did not live up to our expectations. It could be a meet, a […]
The door pops open, and you feel your heart leap. Maybe it starts when you arrive at the DZ. But […]
Jumping at a new dropzone is a giant milestone in your jumping career. I wanted to write about it, but […]
You are at an event or on the dropzone, and another jumper starts giving you tips and does not stop […]
You know you need to fall faster for good bodyflight habits and safe successful freefall. You are comfortable with the […]
Landing on someone is not something you want to do. But it happens. Here are some tips to reduce the […]
Are you looking to up your skydiving safety game? Here are five great articles to put you in a positive […]
Slot switchers! How fun! But now you have to learn another slot; how often should you be training in your […]
You know how tunnel instructors tell you to empty your pockets before you get into the wind tunnel? They are […]
Feel like you are spinning your wheels in training? It may be because you don’t have targeted and specific goals […]
The best part of the sport is how much people love sharing and helping each other. We all take care […]
What the point slot lacks in exciting random work is more than made up for by the fantastic, glory-filled block […]
I shake my head when I see a FB comment telling some beginner how the tunnel is completely different in […]
Are you looking for some tunnel drills to fine-tune your inside center game? Here are a few categories of skills […]
How does Rhythm do their dirt diving? Is prep different than amateur teams? Here is how the professional teams I […]
That exit looks like a frog in a blender – when do you drop your grips? Hold on and ride […]
Your knees are too wide! Your knees are too narrow! Everyone seems to have an opinion about your stance. Luckily, […]
Want to try a team but do not want to go crazy intense? More interested in a team that prioritizes […]
Does team scheduling seem like a lame unnecessary article to you? That is because you haven’t seen teams mess it […]
Luckily I’m not talking about the flashing that gets you arrested in a park. In competition 4way, you have to […]
Congratulations on your team! Do you have a video person yet? Find and build a positive relationship with a great […]
Being on a team is an incredible experience. Challenging, of course, but generally amazing. Here are some of my favorite […]
Do you watch the “super serious” teams on the dropzone and wish you could try it – but without all […]
Tunnel Exits or Entrances, which is it? I’m never sure of the terminology– Are we entering the tunnel? Or exiting […]
Letting a grip rip from your hand in a skydive gives you that same momentary gasp as dropping a phone […]
I took the judges course years ago while I was on Fury. It was absolutely eye-opening to see things from […]
A great track is just as much about the steps as it the body position. By breaking the track into […]
You are on jump run looking down over clouds. Should you go around or get out? What happens if you […]
There are so many formations and techniques to learn in 4-way! Who has time to learn the actual rules? […]
Rant time! This minor walking thing drives me a little bit nuts. The goal of the first walkthrough for a […]
It’s a trap! Repeat that block and don’t move on until you master it, right? When you do easy things […]
Unless you are an aff instructor, you probably don’t spend a lot of time reviewing the details you learned in […]
So many shiny things! I am grateful my competition is only 35 seconds to keep my attention span. But there […]
How does this US Nationals thing work? What are the questions you hear everyone asking every year? Look here for […]
Do you have to grab the fabric strips? Does a harness grip count? How about a shoe grip? From the […]
You just cracked open your brand new jumpsuit – how do you know if it is right? Do the booties […]
Does the thought of turning away from the middle terrify you? Do you drift away or sink out whenever you […]
Mental toughness is the quality we all want to have when it comes to competing. It boils down to the […]
Get away from that group! Want to boogie faster and further away at the end of your skydive? Check your […]
Start-Coast-Stop! Unlike the terribly wrong ‘hug a beach ball’ and ‘leave 45 degrees between group’ memes, this old tip works! […]
What causes safety-related errors? Failure to create good habits? Or complacency? Breaking down the problem When you analyze a safety-related […]
Does your line up in the sky match your line up in the mockup exactly? No? Next time notice these […]
My teams are very aware I sprinkle scored competition-style dives into daily training right from the get-go. These dives (red […]
Spring rolls around, and much to your dismay, you are still not on a team. Don’t waste your season! Improve […]
Visualizing is a term that means producing mental imagery. In our case, it means per-rehearsing a skydive before you do […]
If you have never been to US Nationals, you probably have a lot of questions. Heck, even if you HAVE […]
So many options! You have probably seen as many versions of a count as you have groups. There seem to […]
At some point, all skydivers have a close call. A mistake or error occurs, and an accident is narrowly averted […]
When you start multiple plane formations, the coaches will add a walkthrough phase called the exit frame. I remember going […]
Brainlock is a great word. It is self-explanatory and relatable. The instant you tell someone about that word, they know […]
The break-off plan establishes how we get away from other skydivers for safe deployment at the end of a skydive. […]
If you have been to a big-way event, you know that we spend a lot of time walking and practicing […]
Are you still holding the exit before starting the skydive? Want to start making points sooner? Read on to learn […]
You’ve seen and practiced all the basic formations – stars, opens, and zippers. But then the organizer starts throwing out […]
Has it been a long time since high school geometry? Maybe you never paid much attention? Refresh some useful 4-way […]
Signed up for your first big way camp? Eager to prepare, but don’t know what you can do before the […]